I’ll help you land your dream job.
Hey! I’m Carla. I specialize in helping young professionals and career switchers land internships and jobs in creative fields such as fashion, beauty, lifestyle, entertainment, and music.
First internship? I got you. Career pivot? No problem!
Did you know that on average:
a job post gets 250 applications
but, 80% of jobs are never posted online, and are filled using the recruiter’s industry network
recruiters take 6 seconds to scan your resume
…and their job is to rule you out, not into consideration
of those candidates, only 4 - 6 get an interview
1 magical human gets the job
Don’t postpone getting help — you’ve worked too hard for too long to not land your dream job! I’ll help you strategize, stand out, and most importantly, design a life and career you love.
statistics from glassdoor & ladders
Where my clients scored jobs:

“I landed my dream full-time job as an assistant stylist with NET-A-PORTER and I did so graduating from a non-fashion school, living outside of New York, and without relying on my network. It was because of the resume you helped me craft that I got my foot in the door, and I don’t think I would have gotten that interview if it wasn’t for your help.”
What if I told you that you’re a few hours away from landing your dream job?
I hear it all the time:
You feel like you aren’t getting anywhere in your current job.
You can’t get past the first or second round of interviews, or worse, aren’t getting any interviews at all.
You’re frustrated, discouraged, and your confidence is shot.
You have no clue what you’re doing wrong, and have no industry connections.
Your dream career feels SO. FAR. AWAY.
You can’t pinpoint your roadblocks to success, and need an industry expert and mentor to help you figure it out.
That’s where I come in.
“Before starting Catalyst, my personal confidence was an 8 out 10, but my confidence in my job search was at a 3 or 4. I was so down about my lack of success in the application process and was feeling extremely anxious. As soon as my sessions started, that feeling went away.”